親睹男友無端被罵,固然肉赤;但此等光怪陸離事,卻可近在咫尺!觀眾獨家報料Channel C,拍攝到港鐵荃灣綫有躁客在金鐘開往尖沙嘴的列車,忽然衝往情侶面前,狂罵男方醜樣(ugly)不安全,並多次爆粗警告女方欠保障(fxxking insecure),令人摸不着頭腦。
案發在2023年5月17日晚上7時。目擊者憶述登車時沒留意躁客,但「他從我右方某處衝過來,撞開在我前方的女子,似乎很憤怒兼看不過眼,直接衝往該情侶。他最初說2句『I look into嗰個女仔eyes』,指她很『insecure』。我發覺不對勁,於是拍片。」因目擊者在尖沙嘴下車,故不知後續。
躁客:I have been over there……I have been looking……and doing something. Listen! Listen! I am (a) trans-boy. You know trans-boy? Trans-boy. I am a girl, but a boy. OK? Trans-boy. So, you are (an) insecure, ugly……insecure, ugly man. Listen! It is not funny! Listen! I am not touching you……Listen! Stop……It is not funny! You need to understand……
躁客:唔該。You are fxxking insecure. You are fxxking insecure.
男方:Don’t touch my girl. OK?
躁客:I am not touching you. You are fxxking insecure…(出手按壓女方電話)
女方:No! Don’t touch me. OK? What do you want? I am taking a recording. What do you want?
躁客:I want? She is insecure and you are insecure.
女方:OK, you want attention, right? What do you want?
躁客:I am saying……(假裝吐口水)You are insecure and you……(假裝吐口水)
女方:I am insecure because you are here. You are disturbing me.
躁客:You are insecure. I saw your eyes then. If you are a man, just say NO! Say NO!
男方:Say what?
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Channel C 獨家優惠 「Acnebuster 暗瘡終點站綜合治療」
$880 有童珀 冇暗瘡 https://www.contemedical.com/healacne
同姑娘傾傾 6993 4114 https://wa.link/y9es4m